Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What's in a smile?

Some use a smile as a weapon. The deadly curve, with malice lurking just behind, evil intent, and wicked planned. This vile smirk laughs in the face of gratefulness and love, and strikes down the pure and hopeful grin.

While the wretched plot, and devise and scheme, there is another form that a smile can be.

It is used commonly as a mask. A mask to hide shame, bitterness, pain, and sorrow. Happiness is easy to fake, because people don't like to accept anything less. To them, happiness = success. Regardless of how broken they are, to wear that smile, hurts even worse.

Through tears and agony, these poor souls suffer... there is yet a third face on which a smile can rest.

A face of true joy! A grateful heart is a glad one. When the wearer knows the honesty behind the grin, there is peace, and hope. Love, and warmth. 

While others try searching for it, and some try to fabricate it, only those that found it, know what it's like. 

To be 'happy' is shallow. It's only skin deep.

To have JOY is infectious. (In the best way)

The solution? 

Give thanks. =)

Thoughts? Comments?

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